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Polygon to launch next level of Web3 LGND music platform with Warner Music

Polygon to launch next level of Web3 LGND music platform with Warner Music 4

Polygon crypto team collaborated with a music industry dominant player & E-commerce and interactive platform builder LGND to launch a new version of the Web3 focussed Music platform. 

The adoption of crypto & blockchain technology is continuously increasing because of the practical use cases of blockchain technology with the use of crypto assets as a significant use case. In the present time, the majority of the new tech startups are showing an inclination toward blockchain technology & also considering the use of Web3 technology, to remain in transparent communication with the customers. 

On 6 December, the Polygon team announced that LGND Music established a partnership with the Polygon team & Warner Music to work on the next level of Web3 Music platform “LGND Music ”.

Team also confirmed that Polygon will provide better blockchain infrastructure support to the next-level music platform to allow the low cost faster transactions

in an open, permissionless & sustainable environment.

As of now, LGND Music supports NFT forms of music to the holders. Further development will help Warner Music artists to launch their own NFTs to connect with fans uniquely. 

So basically the completion of the development works on the LGND Music platform will allow the users to use the digital world of blockchain technology without any high-level knowledge requirements in the crypto sector. 

Further Polygon noted that Web3 Technology can transform the music industry to the next level & provide a better level of experience for artists as well as for music lovers. 

Matic is a native token of the Polygon network and the current price of Matic coin is $0.91 & this price is 5% high over the 7 days of trade. 

Read also: Tether partner launches Chinese fiat-pegged stablecoin

Polygon to launch next level of Web3 LGND music platform with Warner Music



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