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This Photographer Is Taking NFTs To New Heights… Literally

NFT photographer DriftShoots regularly puts his life on the line to redefine what the creator lifestyle can look like. Talk about dedication to his craft.


  • DriftShoots Taking NFTs To New Heights
  • Capturing An Audience

DriftShoots is probably one of my favorite non-fungible token (NFT) creators in the crypto space. Unlike a lot of NFT artists, Drift has taken the route of photography to showcase his work rather than a digital painting, and he’s finding a lot of success in it. However, also unlike a lot of NFT artists, he likes to put his life on the line for each and every shot. Is this just what it takes to make a profitable NFT career?


DriftShoots Taking NFTs To New Heights

Every time I see at one of Drift’s shots, my stomach twists a bit, yet I can’t help but look. This NFT photographer truly takes life to the edge with his photoshoots, but the results never fail to amaze me.




The only thing that could possibly be more insane than the places he puts himself in for his shots is the price tag that these pieces sell for. Drift’s work lands in the highest auction houses, such as Sotheby’s, and consistently sells for upwards of 40-50 Ethereum (ETH), so he’s regularly pulling six figures from his photoshoots.


DriftShoots: Capturing An Audience

I think there’s a lot we can learn from the success that Drift has found in his NFT photography. I think what a lot of hopeful NFT creators share in common is the chance for their work to catch on in the public, however, with the amount of saturation there is in the NFT space, the competition is sky high, making it harder to stand out. What I think what sets this NFT photographer apart is that his work maintains a more personal, human touch to it; I can literally feel the veritgo come over me looking at his videos. Combined with a passionate fan base, his works garners support out of human appreciation rather than price appreciation.

While a lot of NFT collections can literally be created through online NFT generators, Drift’s NFT photography takes actual proof of work to capture its value. You won’t catch me doing this for an income any time soon, but I respect anyone that can:

It should be noted, though, that you don’t have to put yourself on the brink of death to make NFTs work for you. You just need to capture a real audience. Another popular NFT artist who’s reached this point if Fewocious. He’s just a 19-year old artist making a killing off NFTs by creating a relationship with his audience that they can connect with through his work.

Artists like these are pushing the boundaries of art to bring NFTS into the mainstream art scene. But instead of focusing on sales, these artist simply create what they love and let the followers come to them. So next time, when you’re looking to mint the next 100x NFT, put some deeper consideration into who it is you’re buying it from. Bet on the creator, not the creation. It might just be the best fundamental analysis you can make.

The post This Photographer Is Taking NFTs To New Heights… Literally appeared first on CryptosRus.

This Photographer Is Taking NFTs To New Heights… Literally

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