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John’s Top Five Stories Of 2021

It’s been a great year for the CRU News Desk. Though not technically a year for us — we’ve only been crypto newsing it up since June. But my god, have we amassed a ton of work already.

One thing I’ve really appreciated about writing for CryptosRus’ news team is the freedom we have to do some truly offbeat stuff. I can definitely say that I really got to take advantage of that freedom. And, I’m proud of a lot of work I got to do so far.

Here’s a selection of some of my work from this “year” that I feel warrants a first or even second read.

5. Comedian Norm Macdonald Might Have Been A Crypto Bull

 Apparently, being sick isn’t funny.

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Full disclosure: I’m a huge Norm Macdonald fan. So I felt it was my parasocial duty to write about the comedian’s sudden passing from cancer back in September.

Interestingly enough, Norm had tweeted about crypto on several occasions, demonstrating knowledge of Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Though in that classic Norm style, it was never clear if it was a bit or not.

4. Immutability, Decentralization, And The Bored Ape Yacht Club

…I don’t think the inability to sell stolen Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs is a sign that we should give up on the blockchain.

I love college paper-tyle titles. There’s something so satisfying about presenting two pretentious-sounding terms, and then following it up with something completely random, like “The Bored Ape Yacht Club.”

One of the things I try to do a lot as a writer here is present both sides to the web3 debate. I’m neither moon boy, nor FUDder. I think this is a good example of that. Web3 often gets chided for being useless for various reasons.

In this case, several critics pointed out how NFT marketplace’s blacklisting stolen “Bored Apes” proved that web3 is no different than what we already have. But, as I pointed out in the article, Web3 has proven immutable in other more important ways than NFT Marketplaces.

3. New Jersey AG Attacking BlockFi Has Ties To Banking Industry

Bruck started his legal career with law firm Davis Polk. Named after a segregationist, Davis Polk’s practice specializes in white collar defense.

Another thing we like to do here is go deep when it comes to the FUD like when BlockFi started getting attacked by its home state of New Jersey.

I’ll fully cop to the fact that I didn’t find a smoking gun when I went through New Jersey AG Andrew Bruck’s CV, but what I found was some bizarre coincidences that made me think twice about his claim that his attack on BlockFi was to protect the little guy.

For various reasons, I won’t say I’m certain what Bruck’s motives were. But what I can say is that generally, I don’t believe politicians when they tell me that they want to regulate crypto to keep me safe. But that’s just me.

2. USDC Is Killing Tether FUD

If Tether is the death knell, isn’t USDC the chorus?

One of my favorite fool’s errands is defending stablecoins. It’s a thankless job, but someone’s gotta do it. In particular, I find USDC fascinating.

For some reason, when critics argue against stablecoins they neglect to include USDC — stablecoins to them just mean Tether. But there is a whole world out there of perfectly reasonable stablecoins (Brian Brooks made an excellent argument in favor of them recently). And USDC is one of them.

Despite the fact that USDC addresses a lot of the concerns that most have over Tether, the FUD rages on.

1. The Amazon Crypto Fiasco, Explained

There’s something off. Maybe it’s the fact that it sounds like first draft stageplay dialogue (“Jeff Bezos himself!”).

Anyone remember the Amazon crypto adoption story? It seems like so many stories ago at this point. But it’s worth looking at again.

Mainly because it ended up being about so much more than yet another example of a fake adoption story. Stories like Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin came and went, but this one endures in my mind because it delved into the often wild world of crypto journalism ethics.



The post John’s Top Five Stories Of 2021 appeared first on CryptosRus.

John’s Top Five Stories Of 2021

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