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Meta Responds To Ukranian Demands


After successfully haranguing Elon Musk into activating Starlink, Ukraine decided to shoot their shot again. This time it was directed at Mark Zuckerberg, who’s noted for NGAF. Who’s next after Zuckerberg? 

Ukranian Vice Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov tweeted at Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg the other day. “Mark Zuckerberg, while you create Metaverse — Russia ruins real life in Ukraine!,” the minster said. Mykhailo specified that he wanted Meta to ban Russia from accessing Facebook and Instagram.

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  • Zuckerberg has yet to respond, however, Meta’s VP of Global Affairs, Nick Clegg responded. “We have received requests from a number of Governments and the EU to take further steps in relation to Russian state controlled media. Given the exceptional nature of the current situation, we will be restricting access to RT and Sputnik across the EU at this time,” Clegg tweeted.
  • However, this doesn’t address the Federov’s demands. “The Russian Government is already throttling our platform to prevent these activities. We believe turning off our services would silence important expression at a crucial time,” Clegg said yesterday. The VP cited that the platforms were being used to help organize protests.
  • “The Ukrainians have also suggested that we remove access to Facebook and Instagram in Russia. However, people in Russia are using FB and IG to protest and organize against the war and as a source of independent information,” Clegg added.
  • Despite the fact that Meta didn’t quite deliver, Federov seemed pleased. “We’ve already noticed @Meta decisions on blocking Russian propagandists and media outlets. @nickclegg, thanks for your actions and this very first step in countering the bloody military attack against Ukraine.” Federov added, “There is no place for war criminals in Metaverse.”
  • Federov has set his sites next on Google.

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The post Meta Responds To Ukranian Demands appeared first on CryptosRus.

Meta Responds To Ukranian Demands

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